Here is a birdwatching region quite different from the wet forest of the Central Highlands, the hill country or the southern wetlands. The land is low , only a few meters above sea level, the climate is exceedingly dry and the area is sparsely populated .
The shallow mud flats and saline lakes between the mainland and Mannar attract large numbers of wintering birds. Vankalai sanctuary is one of the best places in Sri Lanka to observe waders, water fowl and some of the thousands of flamingos that spend several months here.
Royal Road To Sri Lanka arrange a specialist birdwatching guide on request.
A visit to Mannar Island is also an excuse for exploring one of the most lightly- visited areas of Sri Lanka with such attractions as Adam’s Bridge and Aripu Fort.

These wetlands are also some of the most important nesting sites for water birds such as the Asian open-bills, Painted storks, all species of Egrets, Little Indian and the endangered Great Cormorants, Spot- billed pelican and Black-headed lbis. This wildlife sanctuary is also very good for spotting butterflies and dragonflies including lemon pansy, oak blue, common and plain tiger, crimson rose, joker, orange tip , common sailor and chocolate soldier.
Birdwatching in Jaffna

Jaffna Lagoon and Kayts Causeway
During the migrant session, this region become a hotspot for waders, ducks and rare migrant birds . Lesser Sand plovers, Little stints, Black- tailed Godwits , Mash sandpipers, Little Ringed plovers in large numbers can be seen feeling on the sides of the road . Thousands of Gargany , Northern shoveler, pintail and a few common Teal can be seen feeling in the waters of these lagoons. The pink flocks of Greater Flamingos will take your breath away for sure as you watch these graceful birds resting in large numbers on the causeways.
Karainager Causeway
A 4km Causeway which links the mainland to karaituva island ( also known as karainagar) and borders the Jaffna Lagoon and the ocean. This stunning landscape is made even more beautiful during the migrant season when thousands of birds flock to the lagoon.